Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Europe and the New World: New Encounters

Europe and the World: New Encounters, 1500-1800 On the Brink of a New World ? By the 16th century, the Atlantic seaboard had become the center of a commercial activity that raised Portugal and Spain and later the Dutch Republic, England, and France to prominence ? the age of expansion was a crucial factor in the European transition from the agrarian economy of the MA to a commercial and industrial capitalistic system. The Motives ? Contact w/non-Europeans remained limited until the end of the 15th century Fantastic Lands ? Europeans had always been curious about lands outside of Europe Economic Motives Although Muslim control of Central Asia cut Europe off from the countries farther east, the Mongol conquests in the 13thc reopened the doors ? Marco Polo went to the court of Kublai Kahn in 1271 ? His account of his experiences, the Travels was the most informative of all descriptions of Asia by ME travelers ? In the 14th, the conquests of the Ottoman Turks and then the breakup of the Mongol Empire reduced Western traffic to the East ? A number of people became interested in reaching Asia by sea ? Merchants, adventurers, and government officials had high hopes of finding precious metals and new areas of trade Religious zeal A crusading mentality was strong in Portugal and Spain The Mean ? The expansion of Europe was connected to the growth of centralized monarchies during the Ren. ? Ren. Expansion was a state enterprise ? By the 2nd ? of the 15th century, European monarchies had increased both their authority and their resources and were in a position to look beyond their borders Maps ? Europeans had achieved a level of wealth and technology that enabled them to make a regular series of voyages beyond Europe. ? Potlolani – charts made by medieval navigators and mathematicians in the 13th and 14th which were more useful than their predecessors.They took no account for the curvature of the earth so were of little use for oversea voyages ? By the end of the 15thcentury, cartography had developed to the point that Europeans had accurate maps of the rest of the known world ? One of the most important world maps available was that of Ptolemy, who wrote Geography. It was available from 1477 on. It drastically underestimated the circumference of the earth, leading expl orers such as Columbus to believe that he could sail to Asia Ships and sailing ? Europeans developed seaworthy ships as well as new navigational techniques ?They mastered the axial rudder and learned to combine lateen sails with a square rig. They could then construct ships mobile enough to sail against the wind and engage in naval warfare and heavy enough to carry goods over long distances ? Only w/the assistance of the compass and the astrolabe they were able to sail w/confidence ? They gained knowledge of the wind patterns of the Atlantic Ocean New Horizons: Portuguese and Spanish Empires ? Portugal took the lead in the European AOE when it began to explore the coastof Africa under the sponsorship of Henry the Navigator. ? His motivations were a blend of seeking a Ch.Kingdom as an ally for against the Muslims, acquiring trade opportunities, and extending chr. The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire ? In 1419, p. Henry founded a school for navigation. Shortly after, P. fle ets probed southward along the west coast of Africa looking for gold ? In 1441, p. ships reached the Senegal River and brought back slaves ? they gradually went down the coast and in 1471 they discovered a new source of gold along the southern coast of the hump of West Africa—the Gold Coast ? They leased land from local rulers and built stone forts along the coastThe Portuguese in India In 1488, Bartholomeu Dias was the 1st to round the Cape of Good Hope ? 10 years later, Vasco da Gama rounded the cape then stopped at several ports controlled by Muslim merchants. They then crossed the Arabian Sea and reached the port of Calicut in India ? p. fleets returned regularly, seeking to destroy Arabic shipping and establish a monopoly in the spice trade ? in 1509, a p. armada defeated a combined fleet of Turkish and Indian ships and began to impose a blockade on the entrance to the Red Sea to cut off the flow of spices to Egypt and the Ottoman Empire ?Goa became the headquarters for p. operations throughout the entire region ? The p. conducted raids against Arab shippers In Search of Spices ? In 1511, Albuquerque sailed into the harbor of Malacca on the Malay peninsula ? He thought it would help destroy the Arab spice trade and provide the pw/a way station on the route to the Moluccas, aka the Spice Islands ? Their attempted takeover of the area resulted in a struggle b/w the p and ms ? From Malacca, the p launched expeditions further east, to China and the SI ? there they signed a treaty w/local rulers for trade Within a few years, the p seized control of the spice trade from ms and got profits for the p monarchy ?The p empire remained limited b/c they lacked the power, population, and desire to colonize Asian regions ? Their success was mainly due to guns and seamanship Voyages to the New World ? the sp attempted to reach the same destination by sailing across the Atlantic. Their resources enabled them to establish a bigger empire than the p The Voyages of Co lumbus ? He felt that Asia could be reached by sailing west instead of east New Voyages John Cabot explored the New England coastline under a license from Henry VIII. Pedro Cabral found South America on accident in 1500. Amerigo Vespucci wrote letters describing the NW ? The 1st 2 decades of the 16thc witnessed oversea voyages that explored the eastern coasts of NA and SA ?Vasco Nunez be Balboa led an expedition across the Isthmus of Panama and reached the PO in 1513 ? Ferdinand Magellan went around the world in 1519 ? The sp were interested in the NW b/c the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas had divided the NW into separate p and sp spheres of influence and most of SA fell into the sp sphere. The route east around the COGH was p while the route across the Atlantic belonged to s The Spanish Empire in the New World ? Conquistadors – individuals motivated by a blend of glory, greed, and religious crusading zeal. Although authorized by the Castilian crown the groups were financed and o utfitted privately. Their superior weapons, organizational skills, and determination brought them incredible success. They also benefited from conflicts b/w the native people and diseases. Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire ? In 1519, a S expedition under the command of Hernan Cortes landed at Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico.He marched to the city of Tenochtitlan, making alliances w/city states that had tired of Aztec rule. ? Especially important was Tlaxcala, a state that the Aztecs had been unable to conquer. ? When Cortes arrived at T he received a friendly welcome from Moctezuma who believed that he represented the god Quetzalcoatl ? They took M hostage and pillaged the city ? in the fall of 1520 the local population revolted against C and drove the invaders from their city ? Shortly afterward the Aztecs suffered from many E diseases from which they had no immunity. The S then destroyed pyramids, temples, and palaces. B/w 1531 and1550, the S gained control of northern Mexico Sp anish Conquest of the Inca Empire ? In 1530, Francisco Pizarro landed on the PC of SA w/steel, gunpowder, and horses ?Soon, smallpox was devastating villages, killing the Incan emperor and leaving a disagreement over who would take his place, leading to civil war ? P and his soldiers marched on Cuzco and captured the Incan capital. By1535, P established a capital at Lima for a new colony Administration of the Spanish Empire Whereas the conquistadors made decisions based on expediency and their own interests, Queen Isabella declared the natives subjects of Castile and instituted the S encomienda, a system that permitted the conquering s to collect tribute from the natives and use them as laborers. In return, they were supposed to protect the I, pay them wages, and supervise their spiritual needs. ? S settlers brutally used the I to pursue their own economic interests. They worked on plantations and in mines ? the I suffered from many European diseases ? Dominican friars protested aga inst the harsh I treatment ?In 1510 Anton Montecino spoke against it. In 1542, largely in response to the publications of Bartolome de las Casas, the government abolished the encomienda system and provided more protection for the I ? In the NW, the S developed an administrative system based on viceroys. ? S possessions were divided into 2 major units: New Spain (Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean) w/a center in Mexico city, and Peru(western South America) governed by a viceroy in Lima ? Each viceroy served as the king’s chief civil and military officer and was aided by advisory groups called audiencias, which also functioned as judicial bodies.By papal agreement, the Catholic monarchs of S were given extensive rights over ecclesiastical affairs in the NW. They could appoint bishops and clergy, build churches, collect fees, and supervise religious orders ? Missionaries fanned out across the SE where they converted hundreds of thousands ? The mass conversions brought th e institutions of the CC to the NW New Rivals on the World Stage ? In the 17th century, northern E countries—1st the Dutch and then the French and British—moved to replace the P and S and create their own colonial empires ?The new rivalry soon had an impact on the rest of the world. Africa: The Slave Trade ? The P built forts the east and west coasts of Africa and tried to dominate the trade in gold. However, during the mid 17thc the D seized and number of P forts along the WA coast and took control over much of the P trade across the Indian Ocean ? The Dutch East India Company, a trading company established under government sponsorship, also set up in Africa at the COGH which soon became a permanent colony ?European explorations of the A coastline did not affect most people on the interior Growth of the Slave Trade Over the next 2c, the slave trade grew drastically and became part of the triangular trade connecting E, A, and Am ? The journey of slaves from A to Am bec ame known as the Middle Passage ? At 1st, local slave traders obtained their supply from regions nearby, but as demand increased, they had to move further inland ? In a few cases, local rulers became concerned about the impact of the slave trade on their societies ? Protests from A were generally ignored by everyone ? As a rule, local rulers viewed the slave trade as a source of income and some sent raiders to unsuspecting villagesEffects of the Slave Trade ? The importation of cheap manufactured goods from E undermined local cottage industry and forced families into poverty ? Led to depletion in some areas and deprived many African communities of their youngest and strongest ? the need to maintain a constant supply of slaves led to increased warfare and violence as A chiefs increased their raids on neighboring people The West in Southeast Asia ? P efforts to dominate trade in SEA were never totally successful. P lacked the numbers and wealth to overcome local resistance and coloniz e local regions.P empire was too large and P too small to maintain it ? S established itself in SEA when Mag landed in the PHL, enabling the S to gain control there and it became a base of trade for luxury goods ? The biggest threat to P came w/the arrival of the D and E, who were better financed ? the shift in power began in the early 17thc when the D seized a P fort in the Moluccas and then gradually pushed the P out of the spice trade, then the E later ? The D also began to consolidate their political and military control over the area.By the end of the 18thc, the D had succeeded in bringing almost the entire Indonesian archipelago under their control ? The arrival of the E had less impact on mainland SEA, where strong monarchies in Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam resisted foreign encroachment. ? To obtain economic advantages, the E became involved in factional disputes, though in general the states united and drove the E out ? In Vietnam, the arrival of Western merchants coincided w/a period of internal conflict among ruling groups in the country. Expansion had brought a civil war that temporarily divided the country into 2 separate states.The E powers began to take sides in local politics, w/the P and D supporting rival factions. ? the mainland states in Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam had begun to define themselves as distinct political entities. The Malay states had less cohesion and were victims of their own resources. The French and British in India The Mughal Empire ? Babur’s grandson brought Mughal rule to most of India, creating the greatestIndian empire since the Mauryan dynasty The Impact of the Western Powers ? At 1st , P dominated regional trade in the Indian Ocean, but at the end of the16thc, the B and D arrived on the scene.Soon both powers were competing w/Pand w/each other ? During the 1st ? of the 17th century, the B presence in India steadily increased. By1650, B trading posts had been established at Surat, Fort William, near the Bay of Bengal, and Madras on the southern coast. ? B success attracted rivals, including the D and F, but the B were saved by Sir. Robert Clive, who eventually became the chief representative of the East India Company in India. They were also aided by the refusal of the F government to provide finances to their people in India ?After defeating a Mughal army in 1757 at the Battle of Plassey, the BEIC received the authority to collect taxes from lands surrounding Calcutta. During the seven years’ war, the B forced the F to withdraw completely from India ? This marks a major step in the gradual transfer of the entire Indian subcontinent to the BEIC and later to the B as a colony China Western Inroads ? Although China was at the height of its power and glory in the mid 18thc, the 1st signs of internal decay in the Manchu dynasty were beginning to appear.Qing military campaigns along the frontier cost money and placed heavy demands on the treasury. At the same time, growing pressure on t he land b/c of population growth led to economic hardship and rebellion. ? the decline in the QD occurred just as E was increasing pressure for more trade. The 1st conflict came from the north, where Russian traders sought skins and furs ? To limit contacts b/w E and C, the Q government confined all E traders to a small island outside the city walls of Canton and allowed them to stay only part of the year ?In 1793, a B mission led by Lord Macartney visited Beijing to press for liberalization from trade restrictions, but emperor Qianlong expressed no interest in B products Japan Opening to the West ? P traders had landed on the islands of J in 1543, and began stopping there on a regular basis to take part in trade b/w J, C, and SEAII. They were initially welcomed, the success of Cath missionaries however, created a strong reaction against the presence of Westerners ? When the missionaries interfered w/local politics, Tokugawa Ieyasu expelled all missionaries and J Chris were now pros ecuted.The E merchants were next to go, the government closed 2 major trading post sand only a small D community was allowed to remain The Americas ? In the 16thc, S and P had established large colonial empires in the As. P continued to profit from Brazil and S had a SA empire, but S importance as a commercial power declined rapidly in the 17thc b/c of a drop in the output of the silver mines and poverty of the S monarchy ? By the beginning of the 17thc, P and S found themselves w/new challenges to their A empires from the D, B, and F West Indies The B held Barbados, Jamaica, and Bermuda, and the F had Saint Domingue, Martinique, and Guadeloupe. Both developed plantation economies worked by slaves which made cotton, tobacco, coffee, and sugar British North America ? The D were among the 1st to establish settlements on the NA continent after Henry Hudson discovered in 1609 the Hudson river. A. W/I a few years the D had established the mainland colony of New Netherland B. In the 2nd ? of the 17th century, competition from the E and F and years of warfare w/those rivals led to the decline of the D commercial empire. C.In 1664, the E seized the colony of NN and renamed it NY, shortly afterward the DWIC went bankrupt ? The E had begun to establish their own colonies in NA. The desire to practice religion, combined w/economic interests, led to colonization ? Both the NA and WI colonies of B were assigned roles in keeping w/mercantilist theory. They provided raw materials for their mother country while buying good from the latter. Navigation acts regulated what could be taken from and sold to colonies French North America ? In 1534 Jacques Cartier discovered the Saint Lawrence River and laid claim to Canada as a F possession ?It wasn’t until Samuel de Champlain established a settlement at Quebecin 1608 that F began to take interest in Canada as a colony ? In 1663 Canada was made the property of the F crown and administered by a F governor like a F province ? I t was run like a vast trading area. The F state could not its people to emigrate there so the population stayed small. They also allowed their Continental wars to take precedence over the conquest of the NA continent. ? In 1713 in the Treaty of Utrecht, the F began to cede some of their A possessions to the E ?The decline of S and P led those 2 states to depend even more on their colonies, and they imposed strict mercantilist rules to keep others out. ? S tried to limit trade w/its colonies to S ships Toward A World Economy ? During the High Middle Ages, E had engaged in a commercial revolution that created new opportunities for townspeople in a basically agrarian economy ? The beginning of E discovery of the world outside in the 15thc led to an even greater burst of commercial activity and the inception of a world market Economic Conditions in the 16th Century Inflation was a major problem in the 16th and early 17th century ? This price revolution was a E wide phenomenon, although different areas were affected at different times ? Food was most subject to price increases, especially evident in the price of wheat ? Wages failed to keep up with price increases. Wage earners, especially agricultural laborers and salaried workers in urban areas saw their standard of living drop ? Commercial and industrial entrepreneurs also benefited from the price revolution because of rising prices, expanding markets, and cheap labor costs ?Governments borrows heavily from bankers and imposed new tax burdens on their subjects, often stirring additional discontent The Growth of Commercial Capitalism ? The E trade of the 16thc revolved around the Med in the south, the Low Countries and the Baltic region in the north, and central E, whose inland trade depended on the Rhine and Danube rivers ? As overseas trade expanded, the Atlantic seaboard began to play a more important role, linking the Med, Baltic, and CE trading areas together and making E a more integrated market that was mo re vulnerable to price shifts ?W/cheaper and faster ships, the D came to monopolize both E and world trade, although they were challenged by the E and F in the 16thc ? The commercial expansion of the 16th and 17th century was made easier by new forms of commercial organization, especially the joint-stock company ? Individuals bought shares in a company and received dividends on their investment while a board of directors ran the company and made business decisions ? Made it easier to raise large amounts of capital for world trading ventures ?Enormous profits were also being made in shipbuilding and in mining and metal lurgy, where technological innovations, such as the use of pumps and new methods of extracting metals from ores proved highly successful ? The mining industry was closely tied to family banking firms. In exchange for arranging large loans for Charles V, Jacob Fugger was given a monopoly over silver, copper, and mercury mines in the Habsburg possessions of CE ? These cl ose relationships b/w governments and entrepreneurs could lead to success but also be precarious[pic][pic] ?The House of Fugger went bankrupt at the end of the 16thc when the Habsburg defaulted on their loans ? By the 17thc, the traditional family banking firms were no longer able to supply the numerous services needed for the commercial capitalism of the 17thc ? the city of Amsterdam created the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609 as both a deposit and a transfer institution and the Amsterdam Bourse, where the trading of stocks replaced the exchange of goods ? Most of the E economy still depended on an agricultural system that had changed little since the 13th century ?In eastern E, the peasants’ position even worsened as they were increasingly tied to the land in a new serfdom enforced by powerful land owners Mercantilism ? Mercantilism – the name historians use to identify a set of economic tendencies that came to dominate economic practices in the 17th century ? one of its f undamentals was a belief that the total volume of trade was unchangeable. Since one nation could expand its trade only at the expense of others, to mercantilists economic activity was war carried on by peaceful means ?According to mercantilists, the prosperity of a nation depended on a plentiful supply of bullion (gold and silver). For this reason, it was desirable to achieve a favorable balance of trade in which goods exported were of greater value than those imported, promoting an influx of gold and silver payments that would increase the currency of bullion ? They believed that governments should stimulate and protect export industries and trade by granting trade monopolies, encouraging investment in new industries through subsidies, importing foreign artisans, and improving transportation systems.By placing high tariffs on foreign goods, they could be kept out of the country and prevented from competing w/domestic industry ? colonies were deemed valuable sources of raw materials and markets for finished goods ? Mercantilism focused on the role of the state, believing that state intervention in some aspects of the economy were desirable for national good. Government regulations to ensure the superiority of export goods, the construction of roads and canals, and the granting of subsidies to create trade companies were all predicated to government involvement in economic affairsOverseas Trade and Colonies: Movement toward Globalization ? W/the development of colonies and trading posts in the Am and the East, Embarked on an adventure in international commerce of the 17th century ? What made transoceanic trade rewarding was not the volume but the value of its goods ? Trade w/i E remained strong throughout the 18thc as wheat, timber, and naval stores from the Baltic, wines from F, wool and fruit from S, and silk from Italy were exchanged ? [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]However, this trade increased only slightly as overseas trade boomed.From 1716 to 1789, total F exports quadrupled The Impact of European Expansion ? By the end of the 18thc, it appeared that GB would become the great E imperial power The Conquered ? The NA civilizations were virtually destroyed. Ancient social and political structures were ripped up and replaced by E institutions, religion, language, and culture ? In Africa, E involvement in the slave trade led to devastating effects, especially in coastal areas ? P trading posts in the east had little impact on native Asian civilizations, although D control of the Indonesian archipelago was more pervasive ?In C and SA, a ew civilization arose called Latin Am ? It was a multiracial society—Africans, natives, and E. It had less rigid attitudes about race ? E brought horses and cattle to the Americas. Horses revolutionized the life of the Plains Indians. The two civilizations also exchanged plants Catholic Missionaries ? S and P rulers were determined to Chr the native people ? this policy gave the CC an d important role to play in the NW, one that added to church power ? Chr missionaries also went to China, the Jesuits were the most active ? they tried to point out the similarities b/w Chr and Confucian ethics ?Several hundred C officials became Catholics, but the Chr effort was ultimately undermined by squabbling w/i religious orders ? Soon Chinese authorities began to suppress Chr ideas throughout China ? They also went to Japan, where they converted some nobles ? the Jesuit practice of destroying idols and shrines and turning temples into Chr schools or churches caused a severe reaction ? The government ordered the execution of nine missionaries and a number of J converts. They were all eventually persecuted. The Conquerors ? Many E women found new opportunities for marriage in the NW b/c of the lack of women.A number of women also found themselves rich after their husbands were killed unexpectedly. ? When the mines at Potosi in Peru were opened in 1545, the value of precious me tals imported into E quadrupled ? The 185,000 pounds of gold that entered the port of Seville set off a price revolution that affected the S economy ? Columbian Exchange- the reciprocal importation and exportation of plant sand animals b/w E and the Am ? E expansion, which was in part a product of E rivalries, deepened those rivalries and increased tension among E states ? Bitter conflicts arose over the cargoes coming from the NW and Asia.The Anglo-D trade wars and the B-F rivalry over India and Nam became part of a new pattern of worldwide warfare in the 18thc. Rivalry also led to state-sponsored piracy ? E came to have a new view of the world. They created better maps and new techniques, one of which was the Mercator projection, which tried to show the true shapes of landmasses, but only in a limited area ? E were initially startled by the discovery of new people. There were differing opinions, but most felt that the natives should be converted. Their relatively easy success in d ominating native people enforced their feelings of superiority Top of Form

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Adarand Constructors, Inc. vs. Federico Pena Essay

In the particulars of the case, the petitioner in the case, Adarand Constructors, Inc. challenged the policy of the Federal government of awarding financial considerations to general contractors that hire subcontractors that are majority owned by minority groups (Adarand Constructors Inc., vs. Federico Pena, (515 U.S. 200 (1995). In the case, the Transportation Department’s Central Federal Lands Highway Division gave the primary contract for a highway building project to Mountain Gravel and Construction Company (Adarand, 1995). Mountain then awarded the guardrail component of the project to Gonzales Construction Company even if petitioner Adarand was a specialist in the component and had submitted the lowest bid for the project (Adarand, 1995). The contract acquired by Mountain stated that the company would be eligible for extra compensation if it chose a company classified as a disadvantaged group (Adarand, 1995).   In the 1987 Surface and Transportation and Uniform Relocation Act, the act provides that 10 percent of the funds will be preferred for the socially disadvantaged groups (Adarand, 1995). The clause in dispute is that the definition of the â€Å"small disadvantaged class (Adarand, 1995). In the records of the Small Business Administration, Gonzales did not meet the requirements for the class (Adarand, 1995). In the decision of the Court, in Richmond vs. J.A. Croson, Co. (586 U.S. 469 (1989), the court ruled that one-third of the work to be given out to contractors will be given out to businesses whose owners are in the minority (Adarand, 1995). In their decision, the Court ruled that under the ambit of the equal protection, the review must undergo strict scrutiny, and the benefits is not anchored on the race of those who challenge the policy nor then ones who stand to benefit from such (Adarand, 1995). In the opinion of the Court, it rules that any and all classifications based on race must face strict evaluation, and that such policy is only conforming to the ambit of the Constitution that have a legally persuasive interest for the government (Adarand, 1995).

Monday, July 29, 2019

International Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Business strategy - Essay Example The importance of doing business globally helps an organization build a wider base of customers and coming up with products that satisfy customers needs and wants. Moreover, international business helps utilize excess manufacturing capacity that is not being utilized. In addition, it also enhances lower production costs through using low prices abroad (Ansoff & McDonnell, 2000). The Coca Cola Company is a multinational company that deals with selling of soft drinks is successful in the implementation of its strategies. For instance, the company has invested a lot in marketing globally and this is the reason the business is doing so well. Organizations that operate globally have a strong international vision and have international management experience as well as developing strong working partnerships with other countries. Moreover, the typical goal for doing business internationally is to grow and gain expansion. In addition, international business strategy is about manufacturing and selling products that relate to the degree of product standardization and the response from the business environment (Steiner, 2010). Foreign market entry strategies vary according to the business transactions and the country in which an organization wants to conduct business. Firstly, the importation and exportation of goods and services to and from other nations enhances products to be transported from one country to another. Organizations that export their products are able to advertise and market their products in foreign markets thus gaining a competitive advantage. The other ways that organizations enter other markets is through licensing where the international licensing firm gives the licensee exclusive rights, trademark rights, copyrights, and the knowledge of products and services. In return, licensee produces the licensors products and markets them in the assigned areas. This method is normally welcomed by nations because of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Relationship Between Predators and Scavengers Essay

The Relationship Between Predators and Scavengers - Essay Example The issue raised in the story has raised the emotions of the readers. Luna the most loved whale dies in British Columbia waters. The orphaned whale had won the heart of many whale lovers around the world the globe. The appearance of the young killer whale at Nootka had attracted much attention from the media around the world. The whale enjoyed developing relationship with people and played with anything around it including the boats. The close relationship between the whale and the humans was, unfortunately, the cause of its death. The young Luna was killed had been killed by a boats propeller in 2006. Even though the occurrence saddened many people, a few individuals were relieved since the animal’s curious behavior had resulted in number problems that had not yet been resolved. Luna’s playfulness had destroyed many boats creating conflicts with the boat owners. The challenges were difficult to determine by fisheries officers (Henderson, 160-162). Groc was not successf ul in avoiding emotional response. The writer tried to explain the issues that may have led to the whale being lonely. The writer continued to explain how the whale had struggled to develop a relationship with the human beings. It was desirable for the writer to produce an emotional response with an intention of keeping the reader on the track. The authors desire to look at the issues objectively and equitably were effectively achieved. She explains how the orphaned whale had developed friends and enemies in different measures. Despite the whale struggling to build a relationship with humans, she was killed by the same people that she used to play with. I totally agree that humans were responsible for the demise of the orphaned Luna, since the whale was discovered.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pidgins and Creoles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pidgins and Creoles - Essay Example A sentence in pidgin lacks prepositions, articles, subordinate clause and auxiliary verbs that connect the subject. Pidgin sentences are a collection of verbs, nouns and adjectives. Though the idea is communicated well, the contextual detail in the information is lost while communicating through a pidgin. Pidgins usually develop into creoles. Creoles follow grammatical rules with common rules for speakers and have a structural format for sentences. The metamorphosis from a pidgin to creoles is viewed as a natural development to the persistence of the language (Stafford). In the creole sentence, 'But how child of uncle Oom do die then', it may be noted that the tense deviates from the standard use of the verb. The phonology is poorly constructed by using the verbs incorrectly, though the message is conveyed to the listener. The word 'do' is improperly used instead of the word 'did', since the reason for death should be asked in the past tense. The poor structure of the sentence and usage of grammar may be attributed to the incapability of the speaker to use the lexis. However, the usage of then at the end of the sentence gives a clear picture to the listener that the speaker is questioning an incident. While analyzing the sentence it... Even if the speaker has used proper grammar the words in the sentence should easily interconnect itself resulting in the usage of a proper lexis (Willis p.23). In the above sentence though the message is communicated through a collection of words, it does not give a pleasing sound to the listener thus substantiating that the sentence is a creole. While evaluating the sentence, 'Yes, be one nice question, TAG. Well, I PAST be at Novar,' the correct usage of lexis gains importance. The word nice is usually used as an adjective to appreciate the quality of a behavior or material. The poor organization of words thus denotes wrong use of phonology in a pidgin. In this creole, the word nice has been used instead of the word good. The incorrect usage of tense is again found in the sentence, I be at Novar, I be with one man, PAST IMP talk story with one man, where the word 'be' is used instead of was. The repeated use of the word 'man' indicates the wrong usage of lexis, since the creole speaker is less familiar with extensive vocabulary to use common words like 'guy' to refer to a person and therefore results in the poor usage of words or phonology differentiating the sentence from standard English. It is again noted in the sentence, 'Then one man ride come with one bike, but the man who come take me, he and the-pl DEM NEG be good' that the speaker has used two verbs consecutively. The words 'ride' and 'come' is used to communicate the arrival of a person denoting improper grammar, phonology and lexis. The speaker has used the native language in the sentence with no grammatical continuity. The sentence, 'Then the man stay at street then he IMP shout call

Clinical Journal(s) X4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Clinical Journal(s) X4 - Research Paper Example A yellow bracelet and socks were worn by the patient to provide warning of the falls precaution requirement for the patient. Issue Encountered I observed the patient walking in the unit, and also moving out of the unit, without being stopped by any of the staff nurses. The issues here are the negligence of a system put in place for patient safety, and the confusion in me whether to intervene or not. Ultimately, I did warn the patient not to ambulate in the unit and also out of the unit. Questions Related to Practice Evidence from a long-term study of a large number of post operative patients in surgical units shows that 1.6% of surgical inpatients have one or more postoperative falls, with significant morbidity risk (Church et al, 2011). A possible cause of this risk for falls in postoperative patients is the use of strong analgesics of the opiate and opiate-like group to provide pain relief. These pain medications carry a high risk of falls in patients, from dizziness that is caused by them (Vestergaard, 2008). Recognition of the fall risk in postoperative patients assists in putting in place systems to reduce the risk of falls for patient safety. Effective falls prevention systems in hospitals may be costly, but taking into consideration the higher economic costs to patients in terms of morbidity, length of stay in hospitals, and costs associated with it, falls prevention systems are useful in hospitals (Spetz, Jacobs & Hatler, 2007). In this hospital a yellow colored bracelet and socks has been introduced in the system for falls prevention, to warn nurses of the fall risk potential of the patient, and that ambulation has to be prohibited. Yet, none of the staff nurses paid heed to the requirements of the falls prevention system, negating the effect of the falls prevention system, and reducing the safety of the patient. Money is being spent by the hospital to enhance patient safety through the falls prevention system. What needs to be done is for the nurses t o be conscious of the requirements of the falls prevention system, and be more vigilant to prevent postoperative patients with fall risk warnings moving around. Professional Growth I believe I am growing as a nursing professional through the experience of this event. I have learnt that there is the risk for falls in postoperative patients from the analgesics that are administered to them for pain relief. Systems for fall prevention are used for patient safety, which have to be adhered to, for effectiveness in the patient safety objective. I have also learnt that postoperative patients are likely to be unaware of the risk of falls from the pain medication that they take, and are likely to move around. It is the responsibility of the nurses to educate patients on these aspects, with the aim of making them desist from attempting to move around. Action and Non-action The postoperative patient on pain medications was moving around, though he was not supposed. The non-action part lay in n one of the staff nurses taking any steps to prevent his moving around, which may have resulted in a fall. I communicated to the patient that he should not be moving around the unit, and got him back to his bed. In addition, I informed my preceptor of my experience. She took steps to convene a meeting of all nurses, where the discussion was on effective implementation of the falls prevention system that was in use in the hospital. Safety Risk Opiate and opiate-like pain medications administered to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Air Force Careers and Benefits in Military Aviation of Canada Essay

Air Force Careers and Benefits in Military Aviation of Canada - Essay Example The air force also supports the Canadian interests in the foreign lands outside North America. This includes providing support to the organizations like UN, NATO and also other contingency operations where air force involvement is necessary. The military organization also provides assistance on humanitarian gronds to the other countries. Now the basic research question that remains is whether the military aviation of Canada and America should operate together or not. In the national level the military organization (Air Force) assists other government bodies in enforcing the Canadian law and regulation and also provides a national level air search and most importantly plays a big part in the rescue operations. Being one of the major military unit in North America as it is, the air force of Canada influences the domestic and international operations of the government in a huge way. For that reason when an individual gets into the system he or she has to undergo rigorous training schedu le. The primary training is the trade and technical training where the individual is informed about the technical complexities of the operations and gradually they get well acquainted with the technical details.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Semiotic Analysis is Lanvin Paris Research Paper

Semiotic Analysis is Lanvin Paris - Research Paper Example Semiosis has the ability to make models, which means that people have the capacity to produce and comprehend the specific types of images required for codifying perceptual inputs (Sebeok and Danesi 2000). Semiosis allows for representation and understanding this representation, which is a capacity of all human beings. The exploratory stage of knowing and understanding an object constitutes a sensory modeling phase required of codifying an image (ibid). Â  Lanvin Paris was founded in 1889 by Jeanne Lanvin and is considered the oldest French couture house. It has become a reference for fashion, accessories, and perfume for the Parisian industry. Lanvin Paris is apparently named after the person who conceived it and is now recognized worldwide for its elegance in style and refinement. Artists and young talents from several domains surround the fashion firm in which an outstanding cultural heritage is a result. This artistic tradition is perpetuated by Lanvin through its advertising campaigns.Lanvin is geographically situated in the place where it was first established, a street known for its standing in the luxury market, particularly at 15 & 27 Faubourg Saint-Honore, Paris. The Lanvin brand has become a reference for luxury in terms of perfumes and fashion even in the US, Europe, Asia, and other continents.Fashion advertising, like the kind of advertising pursued by Lanvin, is an excellent example of identity-image producing media. Fashion possesses a cultural language of style which it is acknowledged for, and identity is said to be tied to the nature of the product being worn since they are shown for public display (Rhodes and Zuloago 2003). The domain of high fashion advertising is said to describe a certain identity which is unified according to general types of what they signify - young women, high-class people, high status, etc. in which this identity is set by the constant repetition and variation of images (ibid). This set of imagery is created in a unified manner by highly paid artists, designers, photographers, models who promote image identities to the general public by advertising the products according to image-based identity. Products such as high fashion, in particular, are marketed to a select few of consumers due to their high cost, although the identity promoted by these products is meant for the general public by advertising them to glossy magazines. Lanvin Paris is an example of this produc t.It is clear that an advertising image is analyzed semiotically in order to disclose the underlying meaning embodied in a text or an image itself. Since semiotics constitutes the sign systems within texts and their role in creating meaning, the sign becomes an iconic sign as it resembles or implies what it signifies.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Realisms, Fantasy And Utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Realisms, Fantasy And Utopia - Essay Example However, mansions and gold have proven to be resources of greed and unhappiness throughout human history and to be in the presence of God would be to stand in stark contrast to pure Grace, the human existence frail and without virtue in comparison, thus there is no way in which a human can understand what it would mean to live in a state of perfection. When trying to imagine Utopia, it is likely that it will change from individual to individual. Thus, Utopia, as it is represented as a community, cannot exist as perfection, a place in which perfect peace and harmony can be found, would not exist. There is little that can be found in this world that represents a one-sided place in which all things are found to have value and elevated meaning to all people who reside in this place. Utopia must be all things to all of its inhabitance, and there has been no place, time, or setting in which this type of nirvana has been reached. Human existence is defined by its struggles, by the way in wh ich one point of view comes into conflict with another. In fact, this type of conflict is necessary for the satisfaction of many people. Thus, a place with harmony and without conflict would be a hell for some people, their ambitions stilted by the inability to engage in conflicts of ideologies. Without those types of conflicts, dissatisfaction would be born of complacency, apathy, and boredom. To find perfection would kill the spirit, thus the humanity of human life would be discovered undone. Therefore, the only type of Utopia that could exist would not be in creating a place that left all people fulfilled and in peace, but one that changed the human nature to no longer have ambition. In this world, bliss would rule the human spirit, thus whatever existed within the space that was Utopia, would allow for harmony and satisfaction. The fact is that Utopia cannot be a place, it can only be a condition of life, a situated state in which the human need to strive and to be in conflict i n order to achieve greater achievement and enlightenment was no longer a part of the human experience. Utopia is not a place, thus it cannot be achieved. This type of place is not within the ability of human imagination. To write of existence is to frame a place in which nothing happens, thus there is no story to its existence. Nothing would happen because if it were a true place, if Utopia existed, the people within it would move through their days without highs and lows of emotions. Without these highs and lows, there is no measure of emotional feeling, thus to know joy would not exist because there would be no sorrow against which to measure it. People have understood this through their religious history. Of all things, religion is the ultimate proof that Utopia cannot exist. There is no religion that has been found in the research for this discourse that does not reveal the need for balance. The closest is the Judeo-Christian religion that sets a course of beliefs that intends t hat the balance of good, the evil that weights the darker side of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism, and Kant's Essay

Comparing and Contrasting Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism, and Kant's Deontological System - Essay Example theses place not much of importance on which system people must pursue and in its place focus on serving people build up good natured individuality, for instance kindness and generosity. These temperament traits will permit an individual to make the proper decisions later on in life. Virtue theorists as well accentuate the need for people to study how to manage bad conduct of character, like insatiability or resentment. These are described as vices and stand in the way of creating a good individual. In recent time’s virtue ethics has not been a general topic for learning, however it goes back to the ancient Greek philosophers and is therefore the oldest kind of ethical theory in Western viewpoint. Plato talked on the subject of four vital virtues: wisdom, courage, temperance and justice. The earliest methodical explanation of virtue ethics was written down by Aristotle in his well-known work Nichomachean Ethics. According to Aristotle, when populace obtains good conduct of character, they are better capable to control their feelings and their cause. Further this assists to reach ethically right decisions while one is faced with complex alternatives. One of motive why virtue ethics can be admired and why they make a significant involvement to the perceptive of ethics is that they give emphasis to the essential function carried out by motives in ethical queries. To perform from virtue is to perform from some meticulous inspiration; consequently to say that certain virtues are essential for proper moral decisions is to say that proper moral decisions necessitate right motives. There is no need that teleological or deontological ethical theories necessitate reasons to play a role in the assessment of ethical decisions, although promoting proper inspirations is frequently an important constituent of the ethical education of youthful people. It is taught that one ought to wish certain results and that he must desire to achieve certain objectives by the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community Health Nursing Essay Example for Free

Community Health Nursing Essay Identification of Community Nestled in Southern Indiana just west of Louisville, Kentucky and south of Indianapolis, Indiana is Dubois County, Indiana. Dubois County is comprised of the towns of Birdseye, Ferdinand, Holland, Huntingburg and Jasper. Of those towns, Jasper is the largest and is the county seat (Kelly School of Business, 2014). Over fifty-two percent of the population consists of adults ranging from 25-64 years of age (Kelly School of Business, 2014). The leading cause of mortality in this county is heart disease, cancer, suicide and injuries (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). According to the 2011 health rankings of the county, Dubois County was higher in the benchmark of poor health, adult obesity, adult smoking, excessive drinking, motor vehicle crash death rate and teen birth rate than the national benchmarks (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Industry overview consists of manufacturing, transportation/warehousing, health care, and finance/insurance with manufacturing providing the majority of the jobs at an average wage per job of $54,000 in 2010(Memorial Hospital And Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Obesity in the county grew to 28.9% in 2008 compared to 26.8% in 2006(Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Physical inactivity also increased in the two year span growing from 20.9% in 2006 to 24.5% in 2008(Memorial Hospital And Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Summary of Tools Population Economic Status Assessment The Population Economic Status Assessment of the county was utilized to obtain the population estimates, cultural diversity, income levels, poverty among children and unemployment rates. In 2013 the population estimates of 42, 361 were found in Dubois County (United States Census Bureau, 2014). Of  these, the cultural demographics of 98% were white and 6.4% were Hispanic or Latino (United States Census Bureau, 2014). In 2011, Dubois County provided only 0.6% of the births in Indiana and 0.7% of the deaths (Kelly School of Business, 2014). The median household income was $54,168 and 7.9% were below poverty level wen the span of 2008-2012 was studied (United States Census Bureau, 2014). The rate of poverty among children in Dubois County was under 10% in 2010(Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). A 7.5% unemployment rate in 2010 was seen as well as an increase in families receiving temporary assistance (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Cen ter Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory Environmental safety hazards present in Dubois County range from air pollution, invasive animal species, climate, and resources. Air pollution is a byproduct of the manufacturing industry. The Particulate Matter measurement in 2010 was 27.2ug/m3 which contributes to the asthma and cancer rates in the community (Air Quality, 2012). Another environmental concern is the possible conversion of a coal-fired plant into an incinerator of biomass which also threatens to worsen the respiratory issues of the population (Healthy Dubois County, 2014). Invasive animal species of the county include the Emerald Ash Borer and Gypsy moth who could deforest the trees and shrubs thereby threatening our environment (Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District, 2014). The climate is humid and the annual precipitation is spread throughout the year (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2014). The soil is flat and provides poor drainage thus placing the county at risk for flooding (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2014). Cultural Assessment Tool The primary cultural groups of Dubois County are whites with German ancestry and a growing Latino population. The numbers of females to males of both cultures is approximately 50:50(Dubois County, n.d.) Religious affiliations of the community include Catholics, Lutheran, Methodist and Mormon with Catholics being approximately 71% of the population (Onboard Informatics, 2013). Disaster Assessment Planning Guide Dubois Countys disaster preparedness plans and resources are maintained by the county health department. The four major areas of focus include: acts of nature, such as floods and tornados; disease outbreaks, such as influenza and Hepatitis; accidents, including chemical spills; and terrorist acts (Dubois County Health Department, 2012). With such disasters the most vulnerable populations are the young and old, who are the most likely to be affected by a disaster. Public agencies such as the Red Cross, Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center, Dubois County Health Department are a few of the local agencies that can offer resources and aid to those individuals during times of crisis. Ethnicity issues related to disaster are language barriers of those who have recently traveled to the area. Windshield Survey The environment of Dubois County is a mix of urban and rural areas that are rich in history. In Jasper, IN there are eighteen parks located in this county seat of Dubois County. They are well maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department of the town. The homes in Jasper overall are well maintained and landscaping includes a mix of trees, shrubs and flowers. The home lot size ranges from small to large as you progress away from the downtown area. Older homes are more focused in the downtown area and newer homes are being developed in the outer areas of town. Not all of the homes have access to sidewalks or walking trails within walking distance. The Patoka River flows through the town and a recreational railway also passes through the town. Residents take advantage of the river front area with a river walk pathway that passes 2.1 miles along the river. The river walk and pavilion area along the river and parks provide common areas for families and fitness enthusiast. Other gathering places include a number of restaurants and bars in town. These restaurants are fast food, fast-casual and bar/grill type establishments. Transportation includes personal vehicles and public transportation. Schools include five primary education schools, one high school and one community college. There are over 50 dentists, 18 family practice, 5 pediatricians and 38 nursing homes/skilled/assisted living agencies in Jasper. The community business owners work hard to build up the town and county through such organizations as Dubois Strong and Greater Downtown Jasper Business Association. Dubois Strongs focus is to support business growth through marketing to access to capital to help new  and existing business to thrive. Diversity can be seen in the growth of Hispanic churches/mass times, Hispanic food stores, and restaurants. Population Health Scavenger Hunt The Dubois County Health Departments target population is the residents of Dubois County and to support the health of the county. The county website promotes the health department and the health department advertises in the local news media with regards to upcoming events and programs. The Jasper Chamber of Commerce promotes local businesses, new resident information, recreation activities, recycling programs, and more. The director of the chamber is also active in promoting the improvement and activities within the city through news media and working with various committees. Both the fire and police department are housed within the city center of Jasper and both provide programs for children in addition to keeping our city safe. The police department provides schools with the DARE program for drug prevention. The City of Jasper, through the service of various agencies, houses a community food bank, energy assistance program, foreclosure prevention services and health family promotio n program for those who qualify. Description of Selected Community Dubois County is a community built with German ancestry that has diversified over the years to include a Hispanic/Latino population. Individuals within the population are proactive in keeping the community thriving in this ever changing environment. Growth of the various cultures can be seen in the development of Hispanic churches and food stores. Cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of mortality in 2006-2008(Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Health disease prevention is provided through programs through the hospital and availably of outside activities found in the river walk and parks in the area. Interpretation of Data When comparing the number of births and deaths in Dubois County to Indiana as a whole, the numbers are even, in comparison. Yet in international migration, the county ranks 23 out of 92 counties (Kelly School of Business, 2014). In examination of the leading causes of death in the county, most young people die due to injury and older people die from either cancer or heart disease. Conclusions could be made from this data. A population who is primarily employed by manufacturing facilities could be the source of the accidents in the young and the environmental agents from these plants may cause death in the elderly after multiple years of exposure. Also, another causative factor to consider is the availability of fast food linked to the increased mortality from heart disease. Problems in the Selected Community When the leading causes of mortality in Dubois County with regards to the Healthy People 2020 goals are examined, the topics of Heart Disease and Stroke, Nutrition and Weight Status and Cancer appear to be the top three problems for this community. Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of mortality in America and therefore lend themselves to an increase in healthcare cost (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Prevention of these events can start with control of blood pressure, cholesterol, tobacco use, improved diet and increase in physical activity (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Controlling these risk factors is therefore one of the goals of Healthy People 2020 as they attempt to ameliorate the health of the nation through health promotion and prevention. Not only does improving ones nutrition and weight decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke, but it will also aid in the prevention of other diseases including cancer. The Healthy People 2020 goal of Nutrition and Weight Status not only looks at an individuals diet, but increasing household food security and eliminating hunger (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). With the accessibility of fast food, increased physical inactivity and environmental safety concerns over the past few years, these goals for health promotion and prevention are applicable to this community. The resources in the community along with the communitys desire to care for its members should help this community thrive. Problem in Relation to Goals Healthy People 2020 are science based goals for â€Å"improving the health of all Americans† (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). It â€Å"established benchmarks and monitored progress over time in order to encourage collaboration across communities and sectors, empower individuals toward making informed health decisions, and measure the impact of prevention activities† over a ten year period( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Through the identification of a community’s health needs, a community can determine the health priorities and opportunities for improvement† (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). This process helps the community to live â€Å"longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury and premature death† (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). Therefore looking at the Dubois County community’s health concerns for heart disease and stroke, the goal of nutrition and weight status is a great starting point for improving the health of the community. As the individual lives of the community members improve so will the county. A healthy community is a thriving community. Poor nutrition has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Not only is nutrition an individuals choice, but resources must be accessible for proper nutrition and exercise. Fresh produce through Farmers Markets, health promotion through work, and accessible healthy activities for the public are a few solutions to support the community as they strive to ameliorate their lives. Availability of Community Resources A variety of organizations throughout the community provide services to improve the nutrition and health of those it serves. The Greater Downtown Business Association hosts a Farmers Market every Saturday morning from May through October. Not only does this provide locally grown produce to the community, but it also offers a positive social gathering for families and those interested in improving their nutrition. Many of the local churches and organizations offer 5K run/walk opportunities throughout the county as well. Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center offers fitness and nutrition classes for the community as part of their mission to Be for others. Primary Prevention Topic My primary prevention topic is the prevention of overweight and obesity by means of healthy nutrition and physical activity. Amelioration of health will reduce the disease risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer in our community. A successful community starts with healthy individuals. Use of Questions The largest contributor to morbidity and mortality in Dubois County is poor nutrition either through lack of education or resources. The businesses and organizations are trying to improve the nutrition/physical fitness of the community by offering classes, walk/runs and other means of health promotions through media promotion. The local physicians have discussed services on local radio programs, through seminars at the hospital and in articles in the local papers. There is also a community food bank and farmers market. The most recent controversial community health concern published by the news media is that of the proposed biomass plant to be initiated in the old power plant location. There has been community involvement by community leaders and individuals to keep this from happening due to the concern of air quality. As it stands, the company that was going to initiate the transition to biomass has recently revoked their commitment to the project. Most people in the community are concerned about staying healthy for a better quality of life, but they may just not realize all the free or low cost resources available to them. Local news media advertise the hospital programs available and promote the local fitness activities available. Education needs to remain a constant to inform the community of the opportunities available to them. As mentioned previously, most of the emergency room visits are due to injuries/accidents, but cardiology issues is the top hospital inpatient discharge diagnosis (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011). Therefore focus on prevention and treatment of heart disease is of paramount importance. Focusing on prevention will improve the longevity of this community. Quality of life in the community is reduced by the prevalence of multiple factories in the area. As previously mentioned, the air quality has impacted the community’s rate of asthma and cancer. Imp roving quality of life needs to include improving air quality. References 2011 Dubois County Health Needs Assessment (Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Dubois County Health Department, 2011) Retrieved from Air Quality. (2012). Indiana County of Dubois Government Website. Retrieved from City Data: Dubois County, Indiana. (Onboard Informatics, 2013). Retrieved April 22, 2014 from Dubois County. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 22, 2014 from,Indiana Dubois County Health Department (2012). Indiana County of Dubois Government Website. Retrieved from Dubois County Indiana Profile (Kelly School of Business, 2014). Retrieved from Flood Insurance Study: Dubois County, Indiana and Incorporated Areas (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2014). Retrieved from Healthy Dubois County (Healthy Dubois County, 2014). Retrieved from Invasive Animal Species Information (Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District, 2014). Retrieved from State County Quick Facts: Dubois County, Indiana (United States Census Bureau, 2014). Retrieved from U.S . Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). About Healthy People. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). Nutrition and Weight Status. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). Heart Disease and Stroke. Retrieved from

The female monster Essay Example for Free

The female monster Essay Mary Shelley has constructed her gothic novel, Frankenstein, to include an array of passive female leads. This would not be unheard of in 1818, however Shelley was the daughter of an important feminist, and she herself possessed many of these same values and perspectives. With that in mind it can easily been understood that Shelley has constructed her novel to purposely be almost devoid of strong female leads in order criticise the social stereotypes of her time and the women who conformed to these, while the men in their lives dominated them. Shelley directly contrasts her passive characters to that of Safie, who is a relative success story compared with the fate of the other female characters. Safie embodies the life that women can have if they challenge their inferior role in society and this can be shown through analyses and comparisons of and between her and characters such as Justine, Caroline, Elizabeth and the female creature. Safie is used to highlight the passivity of the other female characters. She contradicts the stereotype that women should adopt a mother-like role as a carer and guardian. She challenges the domesticated, family orientated and victimised imagery of women who are dependant on men to support their lifestyle. Safies contradictory personality is shown through certain quotes in the novel, such as when it is stated that, When alone, Safie resolved in her own mind the plan of conduct that it would be her to pursue. The use of the phrase resolvedin her own mind indicates a level of individual thought that the other females do not posses due to the restraints placed on them by society and the men who exert control over them. A strong contrast can be made between the characterisation of Safie in comparison to other female characters in the novel. This was done with purposeful intent to convey that women can be equal if they challenge their social stereotypes. Of course Safie still displays feminine qualities, which can be seen in Frankenstein when she nurses her ill attendant with devoted attention a compassionate trait that conforms to the expectations of women. Despite this, Safie still remains the only surviving female protagonist of Frankenstein, thus being the embodiment of what women are able to accomplish if only they were to be brave enough to break free of their restraints and strive for change. Justine Moritz is an example of a submissive female character that conforms to societys expectations that women should be weak, beautiful and unrecognised as an important part of society. Justine is the target of pity from both the audience and other characters in the text from the very start because she was rescued from a broken family with an abusive mother and dying siblings. Justine is then wrongly accused of the murder of William Frankenstein; however, despite her innocence she confesses to the crime because it is what is expected of her. Justine represents the stereotype of how women are expected to be well endowed in appearance and she is often described by other characters as very clever and gentle and extremely pretty and Elizabeth spoke of Justines softness and winning mildness. These traits are all representations of Justines conformity to societys expectations. Throughout her trial, Justine makes little effort to protest her innocence and accepts false guilt for the crime, God knows how entirely I am innocent. But I do not pretend that my protestations should acquit me. This is also supported when she states, I must be condemned, although I would pledge my salvation on my innocence. Justine confesses because of her weakness under the judgemental glare of society, and is executed as a result. Through Justines experiences, Mary Shelley is highlighting the negative consequences of giving in to the pressures of society. Shelley is showing that if Justine was to have remained strong and protested her unjust trial, which was a direct result of her gender, then she may have been able to save herself and place the seed of doubt within the judgemental stereotypes of society, to rise above the oppression placed upon her by men. This contrasts with the assertive nature of Safie, who does not allow herself to be oppressed by the men in her life, mainly her father, and instead chooses to create a fate of her own choosing. Even less significant, but still present is the female monster, so passive it does not even achieve life, thus supporting that women have little, if any, outstanding role in Frankenstein. The creation of the female monster is absorbed by Victor in fear of being unable to control her actions. This signifies that women are oppressed in the fear that the will be uncontrollable. This is supported when Victor states, she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate signifying his fear of being unable to control her. The importance and expectations of feminine beauty are also impressed upon readers through the female monster. Shelley is conveying the importance that appearance plays in determining our roles and status in society and showing that if a woman should lack this quality then they will face the harsh reality of how truly cruel society can be in its rejection of the ugly. This is also supported when Victor is thinking about his female creation and says, the creaturealreadyloathed his deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form. This expectation for women is also shown when Victor says he is concerned with the outward substance of things. Shelley is therefore criticising the submissive nature of those women in society who both do and do not possess the flattering looks expected of them for not challenging this. Safie, although beautiful, does not allow her appearance to determine the path her life will take and refuses conform and let her father control her.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Management Of Pizza Hut Incorporates Commerce Essay

The Management Of Pizza Hut Incorporates Commerce Essay This report on analysis of management of Pizza Hut would not have been possible without the kind support and help of the management. We take this opportunity to express a deep sense of our gratitude to all of them for their cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped us in completing this task through various stages. We also take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our Instructor and Mentor Ms. Shagufta Rafif for her exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this report.   Table of Contents SCOPE OF THE REPORT This report on the management of Pizza Hut incorporates and analyzes different aspects of planning, organizing, influencing and controlling. Where necessary, the distinctive areas have been examined with the support of different management tools, models and techniques. The report also evaluates growing trends in the restaurant business with special focus on the challenges Pizza Hut is faced with. It also assesses the strengths of the business and how it has been able to survive in this recessionary era, where many restaurant businesses are making heavy losses. A special focus has also been given on the goals setting, goals congruence and the management approaches to address the growing market competition. Staff retention, professionalization and their well being has also been critically evaluated in this report with bringing to light the areas, where the staff input, ownership and empowerment have been accepted and given due weightage. Products sustainability with special promotions and usage of other medium for marketing has also found space in this report to highlight potentials threats and hidden opportunities available to Pizza Hut management in this sector. Underpinning the supply chain and contribution to the society as a whole by the management of Pizza Hut has also been focused. MISSION STATEMENT Though making pizzas and selling them is our business, however we always feel proud to make a perfect pizza. We also emphasis in provide caring and useful services to our customers so that when they go out, they always wish to come back. Our staff members are also proud of having us as their employers. They would prefer to work with us rather than joining any other organization. The reasons being simple, we look for their well being, provide them with opportunities for their development and they are rewarded in great manner making them feel honored and privileged. While taking care of all above things, we are also mindful of the value we add to our shareholders, who place their confidence in our competencies of making profits. VISION OF PIZZA HUT We never believe in mediocrity. We believe that in this highly competitive market, only those survive which produce everything that is best. Best not only in terms of product, but best in terms of quality of services provided, the best in terms of the environment and ambience of the restaurants, the best in terms of business, the best in terms of network and franchise and above all the best for all those who tend to visit our restaurants. Pizza Hut logo.svg EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ever since the industrialization began, many businesses have seen ups and downs. There has been history of many products making their way to the consumers home through markets and fading overtime with the invention of new technology or becoming extinct for other reasons. The food industry and restaurant business also saw this upheaval in the last century. However, in last few decades, this business has seen a tremendous rise with many world famous brand restaurants mushrooming the big and small cities of the world. During that era of prosperity, Pizza Hut was established by PepsiCo in 1977, an American chain. The company owned it till 1997, when it was sold to Yum! Brands, Inc., which also owns the restaurant chains of KFC and Taco Bell. As per latest report, there are 6,000 Pizza Hut restaurants in the United States, whereas, 5,150 restaurants are in other countries of the world. In Karachi, the company has 21 restaurants, whereas, there are another 20 restaurants in other cities of Pakistan, bringing the total numbers to 41. Pizza Hut, as its name suggests is popular for selling Pizza of different flavors (Chicken Tikka flavor is Pakistans most demanded product), however , alongside pizza, it also sells Pastas, Salad, Chicken Wings, Breadsticks, Garlic Bread and Beverages. There are different formats adopted for the restaurants designs. We can find a restaurant where all varieties are available with options of dine in, take away or home delivery. However, in our own city, we can find some outlets just offering take away options. In these outlets, we may not find all the varieties due to limited space and staff. As mentioned above, the Pizza Hut owning company also has KFC and Taco Bell, so in some parts of the world (not in Pakistan), these sibling restaurants are co-located. We can find Pizza Hut restaurants in middle class even in lower class localities. They can be found in college campuses, food courts of shopping malls and some big stores like Target and Walmart. Yum! Brands has been frontrunner in fulfilling its social responsibilities. It has invested in many educational, social and health sectors, thus playing its part in reducing poverty, malnutrition and illiteracy in the world. It has also established Yum Foundation, through which many donor funded programs are undertaken. The group is not oblivious of its responsibilities of providing pollution free environment and has given it due importance and emphasis by devoting financial resources. In Pakistan, the franchiser of Pizza Hut invests in education sector of the country. In previous year floods, the franchiser not only provided donation to the affected people but allowed to use its outlets for donation collection. Many times, the Edhi Foundation has also used Pizza Hut restaurants for collecting donation. The board of Directors of Yum! Brands has an unambiguous policy of designing their restaurants in such a manner that they not only ensure environment sustainability but proving to be a source of income generation of other small traders of the area and vicinity. In restaurant business, the customers are always king and every effort is made at Pizza Hut to satisfy the customer requirements and the complaints are addressed on the spot. Apart from customer satisfaction, Pizza Hut is also a proud employer of thousands of employees in Pakistan and across the globe. It has always invested in developing professional skills of their staff and has given honor and dignity to them, which is perhaps not available in small restaurant businesses. We can see the way employees of small restaurants are treated and the remuneration they receive in exchange of their services. The employees of Pizza Hut feel proud becoming part of an International chain, which has inculcated teamwork and responsibility in them to strive for better services and thus in end getting satisfied customers, willing to come again and again. Pizza Hut has contributed greatly in shape of taxes to the government. It has provided jobs to thousands of employees and suppliers, who provide food related materials to these restaurants on a daily basis. The presence of these restaurants in different parts of the city and country ensures that small suppliers like chicken merchants, vegetable sellers have become partner in the business, which creates more jobs and opportunities for these businesses. It contributes to the supply chain in a greater way with sustainability of the systems at forefront. Pizza Hut has maintained high ethical standards and has never compromised on quality materials being used in its various products and quality services being provided to the customers. It is also mindful of its responsibilities to the shareholders and follows good corporate governance policies which endure lasting impacts on the society in which it operates. PLANNING Planning is the process of determining how the system will achieve its objectives. It is the systematic development of action, program aimed at reaching agreed business objectives by the process of analyzing, evaluating and selecting among the opportunities which are foreseen. While making plans the management of PIZZA HUT has been cognizant of their missions, goals, strategies, policies etc. as elaborated below. PIZZA HUT OBJECTIVES IN PLANNING Making perfect pizza Provision of courteous and helpful services to the customers Offering opportunities to growth, advancement and rewarding careers in a fun safe working environment. Working for profit maximization. Providing the shareholders with value growth The major objective of Pizza Hut is to achieve customer satisfaction which can be made possible by achieving the objectives of the company. If the company is successful in achieving its objectives, they will themselves make their customers pleased and satisfied. As the key product of Pizza Hut is pizza, the first and foremost objective of Pizza Hut is to make a perfect pizza and manage to achieve customer satisfaction. Pizza Hut has always strived hard to provide people with such meals that they find irresistible and which are allowed in their religions and cultures. Time to time new deals are being offered to the customers to achieve customer satisfaction Demographics are always kept in mind before experimenting with a new kind of pizza, as it is the people who have to like the product and help the company in increasing their sales. The second objective of Pizza Hut is to provide courteous and valuable services to its customers. Pizza Hut ensures that their staff is trained enough to know how to treat their customers. They are trained to be friendly and well mannered. If a customer complaint is received, the staff is always told to believe in whatever the customer says and then solve the problem accordingly. Doing this makes the customer delighted by the services that are provided to them, wanting them to come to Pizza Hut the next time as well. If one customer is satisfied that one will bring hundred customers along with him and if one is dissatisfied that one will take away hundred customers. Briefing sessions are also held each day in which the staff members are given briefing about what they did well in the whole day and what are the things that they need to improve. The objectives and the strategies to reach those objectives are also told to them each day, to make them work accordingly. Third objective of Pizza Hut is to provide its staff member opportunities for progress and development together with a secure working environment. In-house training sessions are also organized for the staff members. The staff also sees their career path and growth within the organization and they also put all their energies in making organization possible to achieve its targets. Since goals achieved by the organization will finally result in growth of the staff as well. Although, we can see slumps in many industries but food industry is probably the only industry which has seen growth in recession period and is flourishing. This is all because of the dedication and sincerity of the staffs, who are encouraged and kept motivated. A safe and healthy working environment is also provided to them to make sure that they are happy enough to ensure the companys progress, as if the employees are happy with what is provided to them they will always work hard to achieve the objectives of the com pany. In order to make them happy, they are given incentives such as bonuses, meals, cash rewards etc as well. The fourth objective of Pizza Hut is profit maximization and giving their stakeholders (government, owners, customers, supplier, employees etc) significant growth. The Company does all the things mentioned above in order to maximize their profit and make their market standing better. Attaining all these objectives and making the customers satisfied will make the company earn profits. The fifth and final objective is to provide value growth to its shareholders. If a company is making profit, the ultimate gainers are its shareholders alongside the community in which it operates and similar is true for Pizza Hut. Many of its restaurants across the city and country are making a sizeable profit, which is adding value growth to its shareholders, who have reposed confidence in the corporate governance of Pizza Hut. MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVE (MBO) IN PIZZA HUT Management by Objectives refers to the mutual agreement of managers and subordinates over companys objectives. In a given time, it is expected the objectives to be achieved and those who have contributed greatly in the attainment of these objectives, should be rewarded. In Pizza Hut weekly meetings of the managers are held on a regular basis and sub ordinates are also invited in the meeting to give their input and feedback of the outcomes of previous meetings. The plans and other modus operandi are discussed for implementation and they are monitored on a daily basis. The suggestions and observations of the staff, mainly the Front of House staff, are highly appreciated. The staff is encouraged to put forward their suggestions for the improvement of services being provided and the food being served. Moreover if the staff members perform well in achieving the objectives, they are rewarded with recognition, cash rewards, bonuses etc. Pizza Hut gives them recognition by announcing employe e of the week. The picture of that employee is sent to the area and regional offices which helps in making a good image of the employee in front of the senior staff. As the decisions regarding the goals of the company are made by both managers and subordinates by stating ideas which are later listed and evaluated, thus, we can say that the strategy that Pizza Hut uses for making decisions is Brainstorming. Internal Environmental Scanning Pizza Hut has grown into a stature of big restaurant chain in a very short period of time. Proper planning, monitoring, ensuring availability of adequate resources, timely corrective measures and quality food services have contributed greatly to its rise in already very competitive market. Strength The Pizza Hut brand is widely known all over the world and has its outlets in many countries. The market standing of Pizza Hut is very high. Whenever a person thinks of eating pizza, Pizza Hut is the first name that comes into ones mind. The greatest strength of Pizza Hut comes from inside. The highly skilled labor is professionally trained with emphasis on quality services. Detailed job descriptions of the staff, career growth ladder, top down goals attainment policy of the management and governance are a few of the contributing factors in the success story of Pizza Hut. Needless to mention the main focus has always been customer satisfaction. The management always strives to do whatever is possible so that when the customers go out they not only are satisfied with the food, environment, services etc but they become Pizza Huts ambassadors and recommend others to their products. In-house training sessions are organized for the staff members. They are kept informed about different achievements through news bulletin. High performers are rewarded every month and their names and designations are considered for special increments and promotions. There are many ways of rewarding front of house (FOH) staff members like giving them cash rewards, free meals or deploying them on hot tables where customers prefer to sit more likely. Pizza Hut has played its due role with respect to CSR. Ensuring pollution free environment, contributing to the communities and societies in the projects of education, health and taking part in alleviating poverty in the areas, where they operate, are some of the achievements, Pizza Hut is proud of. Being an international brand they also have strong financial resources as the materials used by Pizza Hut in making pizza are not local, as used by other pizza making companies. As Pizza Hut is a multinational company and the materials that it uses comes from outside Pakistan and is fresh and healthy for its customers. Pizza Hut also offers free home delivery together with online delivery for its customers who wish to consume pizzas at their own place. Due to this the people who dont want to go out for dine-in can have pizzas from Pizza Hut, rather than opting for some other restaurant, within 30 minutes free of the costs of home delivery. Although Pizza Hut is famous for pizzas, however, it also offers desserts, beverages, salads, pastas etc. for its customers. Other than that it has a variety of flavors in pizzas as well. Some flavors that it puts forward are seasonal like Double Masti, whereas some continue throughout the year. Weakness No company can be perfect or remain perfect vis-à  -vis its goals and objectives. As the goals evolve so do the companies as the time passes by. Pizza Hut has also experienced slums in its business due to following weaker policies. In Pakistan, where local restaurants have also entered into the pizza selling business with much cheaper prices and with more varieties, Pizza Hut has stuck to its prices robustly and offers very limited promotional deals to its customers. As a result, in many areas after making huge losses, it had to close its outlets only to move to more posh areas. Although, there are varieties of other items available for sale in Pizza Hut restaurants, however, the hot selling item is pizzas and salads. Despite best efforts and reward policy to its staff, the management has not been able to increase the sales of pastas, desserts and beverages. External Environmental Scanning Opportunities Unlike local restaurant businesses, due to its global presence, Pizza Hut has always got edge over other local and international restaurants chains. It has got thousands of restaurants around the world, serving millions of customers every day with same variety of food. This hallmark of Pizza Hut, no matter which locality, city or country it is located, the quality of food and the ambience of the restaurant is always fascinating and captivating. The aroma which comes out of the serving food has no match with other pizza selling restaurants. This uniqueness of Pizza Hut has always found it most demanding restaurant when it comes to eating pizzas. Threats Like all businesses, Pizza Hut is threatened with the arrival of other competitors. The competitors not only offer products cheaper in prices but the quality of the products has also been up to the mark. Another area which poses challenges to Pizza Hut is law order situation of the city particularly and the country generally. The sectarian violence has affected the revenue of Pizza Hut greatly and its restaurants, which are located in middle class localities and are the worst sufferers. Pizza Hut also focuses on PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) to check the demographics based on which they can decide which product should be given more emphasis and which deal should be discontinued. PEST (POLITICAL, ECONOMICAL, SOCIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL) POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT The worsening law order situation in the city particularly and the country generally has greatly affected all businesses and Pizza Hut is no exception. Sectarian clashes, bomb blasts and strikes have all played their role in declining revenue for Pizza Hut. Many restaurants of Pizza Hut, which are in sensitive localities have registered poor financial results mainly due to less number of customers visiting them, late night deals are rendered of no use and even due to lack of transport, the staff members cannot reach their restaurants. Due to poor law order situation, the customers prefer to have home delivery, however, the city situation again becomes hindrance and delivery staff find it difficult to reach the customers homes. ECONOMICAL ENVIRONMENT If a country is developed than its economy will be good and the per capita income of the people will be high. As a result people will spend more money on food items and other products. In our study we came to know that since the products of Pizza Hut are comparatively expensive, people of average income occasionally visit their restaurants. Further, due to ever growing popularity of pizza among the Pakistani people, more international and local chains of restaurants have opened these services like Pizza Point, Pizza Next, Pizza One, Largesse etc. and are available on very cheaper prices. Although quality of the ingredients used by other competitors is debatable however because of low prices, they have given tough competition to Pizza Hut. The management of Pizza Hut is aware of this and has taken measures to counter them by offering deals and midnight packages. They also sell pizza coupons offering economical deals with buy one get one free options. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT The management of Pizza Hut is also mindful of social environment of our country. Every person has his own value, religion, belief which is always dear to him. While offering services to its valued customers, Pizza Hut has always taken note of it and has desisted from offering such services which may offend or hurt the feelings of their customers whether they be religious, cultural or any other. Demography of the population in which the restaurants operate is also very important, like in Pakistan, chicken tikka flavor is very popular since people like to dine out for barbeque and if that flavor is available in pizza or burgers, people love to give them a try. Pizza Hut has managed itself very well in this respect and has assimilated itself quickly in the Pakistani culture. Before opening a restaurant, a thorough survey is undertaken to identify the demography of the population living in the area, income bracket in which it falls, eating habits and how frequently they go out for dinin g and which dishes they usually prefer for dine-outs. Based on the results and final conclusion, a decision is taken for opening of restaurant or otherwise. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT Like the effectiveness of technology in other areas, it has a great impact on the Pizza Hut running. It has state of the art equipment like baking ovens, IT devices etc. It is ensured that an order placed at any restaurant does not take more than 20 minutes to be served for dine-in and 30 minutes for home delivery. In some selected areas, an online service for ordering pizza has also started and yielding good results for the management. Business Portfolio Analysis Star (Pizza Salad) Question Mark (Drinks) Cash Cow (Sides Desserts) Dogs (Pasta) High Market Growth Low High Relative Market Share Low Star: Star is the position where the market growth and the market share of a product are high. In case of Pizza Hut, pizza and salad are at this position. They both have a good market standing and their demand has highly increased within no time. Pizza Hut offers pizzas of different flavors preferred by a lot of people, whereas salads are also popular among people and are consumed in the time when they are waiting for their main courses to be served. Cash Cows: Cash Cow is the ideal position where the market share of a product is high but its market growth is low. Sides and desserts of Pizza Hut have a high share but are not preferred by a lot of people. They are not popular among masses, however, as they have a good market share; growth is possible by making a few changes and modifying the products according to the needs of the customers Question Mark: Question Mark is the position where the market growth of a product is high but its market share is low. Beverages offered in Pizza Hut most appropriately fit in this position as they are preferred by people when offered to them as part of a deal but otherwise they are not the ideal choice of the customers who come to Pizza Hut. The sales of these items can be increased by increasing their market share. Dog: Dog is the position where both the market share and market growth of a product are low. Pastas offered by Pizza Hut very much fit into this position as Pizza Hut does not offer large variety of pastas, nor does it invest large capital to improve its product. In order to make the sales of pastas high, Pizza Hut should divert some of its revenue generated from pizzas and salads towards pastas and present larger varieties of it, thereby increasing its market share which will result in its growth as well. INCREASING THE SALES OF A PRODUCT Pizza Hut encourages its workers to increase the sales of those products which are not doing good business by giving them duty at the hot tables as a reward. These are the tables where the customers are most likely to sit. It even gives cash reward to the staff who works hard in increasing the sales of such product. The staff members are given salary bonuses as well for accomplishing this task. Product cycle Every product goes through at least five phases of its evolution. First phase is called introduction phase, where the product is produced and marketed for consumption. This introduction phase is always important. If the product gets approval of the consumers, it goes through second phase of growth. Which means since the demand is increasing the supply will increase which will result in growth of the product. In third phase the very same product reaches at maturity level. Every producer wants to see his product reaching this level, as at this level the profit maximization is very high and product becomes a star for the manufacturer. After this level the product goes through saturation phase. At this stage most of the consumers would have used this product and hence it reaches at a saturation level. It also implies that further demand for the product is not possible due to various reasons. No manufacturer or producer will want its product to reach at this phase. In order to defend the product reaching this stage, they bring in innovations in the product and if this is not possible then they introduce another product, which again start the cycle as mentioned above. After saturation phase, the products decline starts and it is considered as dogs according to business portfolio analysis. Introduction Growth Maturity Saturation Decline Introduction One of recently introduced products PZone can be put at introduction stage. The demand for the product at this time is very low, however, the management of Pizza Hut is very optimistic about the product gaining popularity in the coming days. Growth Recently, Pizza Hut management has also focused on increasing the sale of its sides desserts. They have also made it part of their promotional deals like garlic bread is now available with many deals. They are expecting that this will increase the sales of sides and desserts in a big way and thus their profitability margin. Maturity Pizzas of different varieties and salads are their most selling items and can easily be plotted at maturity phase. The management of Pizza Hut is continuously striving to keep this product at this stage for all the time, because this is the most revenue generating item and if this fails, the company will fail itself. Saturation Drinks can be plotted at saturation stage, since a very few customers buy drinks. Drinks are part of many deals and one does not feel need to buy extra drinks while dinning in. Decline Sale of pasta can be described as reaching decline stage. Rarely a customer comes who demands for pasta. Although many efforts at Pizza Hut are made to increase the sale of pasta, however, it seems that this product has reached its decline stage and may not stage a comeback. The management will need to introduce another product similar to pasta to attract customers. ORGANIZING Followed by planning, the organizing is the second most important function of management system. It is a function in which the combinations of human, physical and financial resources all bring to gather the desired results. They all are equally important and absence of anyone can put adverse effects on the results. According to Chester Bernand, Organizing is a function by which the concern is able to define the role of positions, the jobs related and the co-ordination between authority and responsibility. Organizing function is performed by following steps: Identification of activities Departmentally organizing the activities Classifying the authority Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships Importance Organizing plays an important and central role in management system. In organizing process, it is the manager who uses his skills to utilize the organizational resources efficiently. Primary mechanism managers use to activate plans Maintains relationship between all organizational resources. Division of work Growth and diversification Sense of security Establish formal lines of authority The things are executed by different managers. All these managers ensure that whatever work is being done in the company is to achieve the companys objectives. Organizing at Pizza Hut As Pizza Hut is a multi-national company, it has to focus more on organizing. At Pizza Hut, management organizes all its resources in order to implement the course of action it determines in the planning process. Through the process of getting organized, the management determines the internal organizational structure; establishes and maintains relationships and allocates necessary resources. Organizational Structure Pizza Hut has built an integrated executive-level structure and process to assess, guide and oversee Pizza Huts worldwide activities. The company is engaged in a number of internal and external stakeholders along the way and will continue to engage additional stakeholders as the company moves forward in the journey. Pizza Hut will continue to refine their structure as needed, as well as the ways in which Pizza Hut measures progress against the objectives, to enhance their capabilities and effectiveness. According to the Organization Chart of the company, there is Restaurant Support Centre under which comes departments like HR, Marketing, Finance and Property and Field Operations, which runs the restaurants. Departmentalization Role of Human Resource The Human Resource department deals with the management within the organization. There are number of responsibilities that the HR department has to deal with. At first, the HR department of Pizza Hut is responsible for hiring members of staff which will involve attracting more employees, assigning them their positions and ensuring that the employees will perform the task. HR department of Pizza Hut is also responsible for organizing the people in entire company and also sets the day to day goals for the organization. Role of Marketing Department The role of Marketing Department of Pizza H